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Once a month, Woodlawn Legal Clinic offers the opportunity to discuss a legal issue with lawyers from LAF and DLA Piper. Lawyers offer free advice and recommendations on issues such as deportation, divorce, child support, and expungement of criminal records. The clinic`s location, just a few blocks from campus, offers law students a unique opportunity to make a difference through volunteer work in the surrounding community. The Woodlawn Clinic, which meets at the AKArama Community Service Centre in the Woodlawn neighborhood, began in 2010 as a partnership between LAF and DLA Piper to provide free legal aid to a community they felt was underserved. Regina Hernandez, the LAF lawyer who coordinates the clinic, is grateful to the law school students who volunteer each month and help with the growing number of clients. After graduation, Qadir will remain in Chicago to work at Sidley Austin LLP. Providing legal services through pro bono volunteering will continue to be a priority in his career, he said. There is a need for low-cost legal representation in the Woodlawn neighborhood, and law students are helping to meet that need, clinic coordinators said. Clients who visit the clinic may do so after years of battling a particular issue – for them, this is often the first time they feel supported in dealing with that problem. More information on future personal clinic locations will be available soon – Please check back regularly for updates on future personal clinics. We provide legal assistance with respect to public benefits, including VA benefits, relief improvements, and the nature of debt relief cheques and VA debt relief cheques.

For other civil legal assistance matters, we offer advice and referrals during the appointment and are considering extended representation by Legal Aid Chicago employees. A free legal clinic for low-income taxpayers with incomes at or below 250% of the federal poverty line ($32,200 for a 1-resident household, $43,550 for a 2-person household, etc.). Free legal clinics for veterans, current military members, and military families whose income is equal to or less than 80% of the Chicago-area median income ($49,950 for a $1,57,050 household for a 2-month household, etc.). “The clinic allows students to get involved and be responsible members of their community,” said Zeshawn Qadir, 17, who sits on the faculty of law`s volunteer board of directors and coordinates student volunteers. “As future lawyers, we have the ability to have a profound impact on people who are in difficult life situations and have no one to turn to. On the second Wednesday in October, with just two weeks of classes, 19-year-old Whittney Barth volunteered for the first time at the Woodlawn Legal Clinic – a community resource that provides free legal services to those in need. When she arrived, she saw that all the seats in the lobby were occupied. Many had shown up hours earlier than to ensure they had a chance to meet with a lawyer.

The clinic is always open on the second Wednesday of the month from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Do not hesitate to go anytime between 16h and 18h. No appointment is required. However, you can make an appointment by calling 312-431-2255 or 312-341-1070. The location is AKArama Center, 6220 S. Ingleside Ave., Chicago 60637. “In many of these cases, it was obvious that they were being abused,” he said, “but they didn`t know or didn`t know what to do about it. When they came to the clinic, we knew we could really help them. » Please call 312-423-5938 to make an appointment with a lawyer on civil law matters.

Appointments are processed via Zoom. Customers can call for their appointment if they don`t have video capabilities. Due to COVID-19, clinics are virtual. Customers will be contacted by phone or via Zoom for appointments. To make an appointment, call 312-347-8340 or email VeteransRightsProjectVM@legalaidchicago.org. Please leave your name, phone number and legal issue. In three hours, they analyzed cases of housing problems, medical bills, workplace discrimination and divorce. After Barth and the attorney gathered the facts of the case, they consulted with lawyers at the LAF clinic, Cook County`s largest provider of free civil legal aid. The team then came back to the client for advice, and after each meeting, the client shook hands.

When they left, Barth hoped to have made a difference in her life. As she navigated the chaos and classes of her 1L year, it was the best memory of why she went to law school in the first place. Katten De Diego Legal Clinic – Wicker Park / Humboldt Park A free walk-in legal clinic where you can speak to an attorney about all civil law matters sponsored by Katten LLP. Legal Aid Chicago works with volunteer lawyers and community organizations to offer free community legal clinics throughout Chicago. Learn more about our upcoming clinics by reading below. “Getting this kind of face-to-face customer contact early gives students the greatest hands-on experience they can get,” she said. “I think the skills that law students learn when they work with real people and put a face to the case stay with them in a meaningful way.” Yelp users haven`t asked any questions yet about Woodlawn Legal Clinic. The Baltimore County Bar Association, in partnership with the Women`s Law Center of Maryland, Maryland Legal Aid and the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, is hosting a pro bono legal clinic at the Woodlawn Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library.

For more information, please contact Rachel Ruocco at rruocco@bcba.org. “I found the Woodlawn Clinic particularly appealing because it was here in our neighborhood,” Barth said. “We have a responsibility to learn from each other and help our neighbours as much as possible.” Jose De Diego Academy 1313 North Claremont Avenue Chicago, IL 60622 1st Thursday of the month, 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm at Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, 820 p. Women`s Avenue, Chicago, IL 60612 To make an appointment, please call 312-341-1070 or apply online. Barth was immediately paired with a pro bono lawyer, and as they sat down to gather facts about their first case, she was struck by an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and responsibility – especially when she considers how difficult it must be for clients to share the intimate details of their lives with strangers. By listening to her stories, taking notes and asking questions, she became more confident, encouraged by the trust the client and pro bono lawyer had placed in her. Walk-in visits only; No appointment required. 3rd Wednesday of the month, 16:30 – 18:30, doors open at 16:00. Many cases are easy wins for the client, but others are more difficult and could easily not be resolved without the time and attention to detail that Woodlawn Clinic volunteers provide, Qadir said. “The fact that students are constantly present, constantly enthusiastic and engaged in the work we do makes a huge difference,” Hernandez said.

“A law student working with a lawyer helps both parties tremendously to understand what the real problem is – they are very valuable investigators at the end of the day. » Virtual clinics – used all the time! 6220 S Ingelside Ave Akarama Center Chicago, IL 60637 Click here to learn more about the Baltimore County Bar Association. Learning firsthand about the impact pro bono work can have on people`s lives is a crucial experience for law students — and one they should have as soon as possible in their legal careers, Hernandez said. 3. Thursday of the month, 12:00 – 17:00 at the VA Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC), 1141 South California Avenue, Chicago, IL 60612 Note: You must be registered with MSBA.org to register for this event. You do not need to be an MSBA member to register or attend this event. If you require assistance, please contact our Member Services team via live chat or phone at (800) 492-1964. Posted in Government, Libraries, Englewood Event Buzz, Counselling Services, Afternoon Program, Dental Services, Real Estate, Art and Culture, Neighbourhood Clubs, Health, Business, Community Organizations, Faith, Schools, Social Services “It was rewarding to meet people who have been struggling with a particular problem for a long time and to make them realize that there could be hope in their case. and that they have allies,” Barth said.

We provide free tax advice and representation to individuals and families in Cook County in active litigation with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding your federal income taxes, including: The tax clinic generally does not prepare tax returns or assist with Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) applications. If you need to prepare tax returns for the current year, you should contact a voluntary tax assistance (VIA) website and search for irs.treasury.gov/freetaxprep. “I think a lot of law students believe they have to choose between a career in the public interest or working for corporate clients,” Qadir said. “But honestly, you can make a significant impact, no matter what career path you choose.”