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KUzpO In most states, non-native owls are legal, as the article states. However, non-native birds of prey are perfectly legal in states that do not specifically prohibit them. In the United States, the most commonly available exotic owl species that does not require a permit is the eagle owl – one of the largest owls in the world. The speckled owl is a different, but rarer species. These birds are regularly listed on websites where falconers advertise the birds. Raptors For Sale is a site I trust. A Eurasian eagle owl usually costs about $3,000. If a website tries to sell native owls in the United States, it should be a red flag, as these raptors are illegal to possess unless you have the right permits and licenses. §65.267. Allow privileges and restrictions Apprentice falconers can`t have fingerprints, can they? The exotic owls you see in captivity are footprints, which means you can`t legally own the Eurasian eagle owl you want.

If an apprentice cannot have birds of prey, it also means that a public figure cannot have a bird of prey either, or even a bird of prey in general. That`s the way the rules are. Prints are available for educational organizations, zoos, and general/master class falconers, but that`s it. Since owls are part of the animal world, even if you think of an owl as a pet, you can`t really “own” them in a legal sense. Technically, you can keep them, but your belongings are monitored by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. If you can`t hold an owl or meet certain standards, they may recall the owl or take it away from you. Laws governing pet ownership vary from state to state. So it`s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with your local laws if you`re considering having an owl as a pet.

In states like Alabama, Delaware, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, and Tennessee, for example, keeping an owl is perfectly legal. Some don`t consider it because owls aren`t native to where they live, but what about places where owls are unusual in the area? So if someone decides to take a wild owl as a pet, is it my fault? The article also clearly shows how difficult it is to care for an owl. About the only legal owl you can find in the pet trade without importing new species is a eagle owl. Do you think it is likely that even 1% of my readers will consider buying a big owl like this if I clearly state what it takes to own such an animal? And if someone decides to build a large enclosure and accept this challenge, more power for him. People like to keep exotic animals and I also own a lot of so-called wild animals. None of my information is false or “unethical.” Can you legally own a barn owl in the state of California?!? I really need to know though, keeping owls is prohibited in other states such as Alaska, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Wyoming. So if you tried, you could potentially face serious legal consequences. Before catching, hunting, shooting or killing protected birds and/or endangered animals, familiarize yourself with the law. In most cases, it is illegal to kill protected birds unless you get a special permit that allows you to do so if the birds in question lose or harm your livestock or the environment in any way. Question: Is it legal to own a snowy owl in Snohomish, WA? Dr. Rob Adamski, I am troubled by your message because you are an “exotic veterinarian.” Do your customers know that you believe they are “negligent,” “unethical,” and “reprehensible”? You can only see customers with reptiles, domestic birds, traditional rodents, etc., but will you explain to me the essential difference between a parrot that has the mind of a toddler, constantly requires attention and enrichment, and can live up to 15-80 years? Not to mention that these birds are frequently moved and have their own problems in captivity.

The answer is that YOU can`t. Have you read my article? As far as legal issues go, the article makes it clear that all native owls are strictly illegal unless they have a falconry permit. In North America, for example, there are 19 different species of owls that roam the wild. This would mean that owls fall within the definition of an exotic animal, as it is an unusual pet often seen in the wild rather than domesticated. In the United States, there are state and local laws to protect exotic animals. Some animals (e.g. capybaras, bearded dragons, chinchillas, etc.) are legal exotic animals and can survive and live long and happy lives if their owners conduct their research first. Answer: Native owls require falconry permits or various licences for educational or exhibition purposes. Non-native owls (eagle owls) do not need permits in states where they are legal.

If Mike Tyson had a tiger as a pet, what`s wrong with a cute little owl sitting on a tree in your garden? Well, it`s not as easy as you might think. We have prepared a legal Q&A on protected birds to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from people who wish to own certain protected birds. Just because you can keep an owl close to you doesn`t mean you should. Owls are mysterious and majestic animals that need trained professionals, live prey and a great place to stay and fly. While they may look like interesting pets, you`re better off looking for a pet with less maintenance. In short, it is best to leave owls in their natural habitat and in wildlife rehabilitation centers, where they can continue to thrive in their natural habitat and behavior. So unless you have a special permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that allows you to shoot protected birds, it`s illegal to do so.

Before photographing birds in your garden, make sure you can identify them correctly to avoid legal problems when killing protected bird species. Possession of a eagle owl is legal in some states in the United States. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 is a federal law that provides a legal framework for the protection and conservation of threatened and endangered species and their habitats. This protects animal populations threatened with complete extinction. Owning an owl is not legal in most countries. For example, the United States does not allow humans to keep owls unless they are trained and licensed or use their owl for breeding or educational purposes. Even then, the owl is not considered your pet. In fact, it was posted on a falconry forum and it heated up a lot, so they are probably different individuals. I hope I can explain that clearly. The reason why most people should not own owls is the fact that they are highly regulated, you need to know more than exotic bird care to deal with these birds.

The truth is that they are not pets for various reasons, owls are solitary and do not seek human affection and even petting these owls can damage feathers because of our oils, they are very stressed animals that need the experience of a falconer vs any average old Joe, weight management for birds of prey is very different from weight management for other animals, because falconry is just another thing. The owls you see in the videos are footprints (probably in the UK or Japan) where laws are downplayed and many novice people abuse these birds or choose to keep them to stay their entire lives without hunting, behavioral problems and poor conditions.